Old "news"
The paper Intuitionistic Non-Normal Modal Logics: A general framework (joint work with Tiziano Dalmonte and Nicola Olivetti) is online.
The paper On the Termination Problem for Probabilistic Higher-Order Recursive Programs (authors: Naoki Kobayashi, Ugo Dal Lago, Charles Grellois) has been accepted to LICS 2019. Preprint.
The paper Probabilistic Termination by Monadic Affine Sized Typing (joint work with Ugo Dal Lago) has been published by ACM TOPLAS.
My paper Linearity in Higher-Order Recursion Schemes (joint work with Pierre Clairambault and Andrzej Murawski) has been accepted to POPL 2018. Recording of Pierre Clairambault's excellent talk.
My paper Probabilistic Termination by Monadic Affine Sized Typing (joint work with Ugo Dal Lago) has been accepted to ESOP 2017. The long version is here.
I defended my PhD thesis on April 8.
I am invited to the whole programme on Automata, Logic and Games of the Institute for Mathematical Science of Singapore in August-September 2016.
I am invited to the NII Shonan Meeting 78 on Higher-Order Model Checking.
I will visit the University of Aarhus from Oct 26 to Nov 6, 2015.
I will attend the Journées Nationales GEOCAL-LAC-LTP 2015 in Nancy, on Oct 12-14, 2015.
I will visit the University of Salerno from Sep 29 to Oct 2, 2015.
My article with Paul-André Melliès Relational semantics of linear logic and higher-order model checking has been accepted to the conference CSL 2015.
My article with Paul-André Melliès Finitary semantics of linear logic and higher-order model-checking has been accepted to the conference MFCS 2015..
I will be visiting Luke Ong's group in Oxford from February 21 to February 28, 2015.
The slides of my guest lecture On the coinductive nature of centralizers at Turku University's department of Mathematics are online.
My article with Paul-André Melliès An infinitary model of linear logic has been accepted to the Fossacs 2015 conference.
I will be visiting the Mathematics department of the Turku University from January 6th to January 17th, 2015, in order to discuss my application of coinduction to a problem of combinatorics of words.